The PUUC is host to numerous activities on a recurring basis, some church related or sponsored, some independent. For a complete schedule see our Calendar.
Non-Church Activities
Meetings of Twelve Step groups are held here weekly. Yoga classes are conducted by several different instructors in the Parish Hall. NHDI (NH Dance Institute), a regional non-profit organization that engages middle school students in a year-long dance program, has its rehearsals here for the students at Mountain Shadows School.
Grand Monadnock Youth Choirs, founded by former music director Maria Belva, now directed by Esther Rhoades uses our space for their rehearsals.
Farm to Table, local Slow Food events, Living Local, and other occasional craft events fill out the year.
Twelve Step Meetings
AA Meeting, Mondays, 7:00-8:30 pm, Dining Room
AA Meeting, Tuesdays, 10:00-11:30 am, Dining Room
Yoga Classes
Yoga with Linda Orr, Thursdays at 10 am, Parish Hall
Church and Church-Sponsored Events
Peterborough Community Supper, a free spaghetti supper for all comers, is every Wednesday evening, 5:30 to 6:30 pm. (Volunteers are always welcome, too.)
The Social Justice Committee often has film screenings and discussion on topics of critical interest, in collaboration with local advocacy groups.
Events sponsored by our Music Committee include Kirtan on the third Friday, and Music Soiree on the fourth Friday as well as concerts by groups such as Amherst College’s Zumbyes and other artists.
Meditation is held each Tuesday of the month at 6:00 pm.
Check the Calendar to see what's current.