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Elected Committees

Governing Board

Congregational Bylaws establish a Governing Board to manage PUUC affairs during the congregational year. Meeting on the 3rd Tuesday of each month, the Governing Board is charged with managing the congregation’s business, overseeing church property, and providing recommendations to the membership for action and vote, including approving an annual budget, appointments, and other recommendations concerning the ministry. It can appoint new committees and task forces, receive regular reports, and review and set policies. The Board calls the Annual Meeting in May as well as other special congregational meetings during the year. 

Meets the 3rd Tuesday of each month. Contact the board at governingboard [at] ( The deadline for agenda items is the Wednesday before the monthly meeting.

2024-25 Shared Leadership Team: Bryan Field;  Treasurer, John Saywell; Secretary, Sarah Dengler; Members: Anna Aasgaard, Seth McGovern, Linda Scerbinski, Rhonda Barkley, Rev. Lane ex-officio

Lay Pastoral Care Associates (LPCA)

Tom Cowan, Barbara Harlow

Trustees of the Trust Fund (Endowment)

The Trustees administer all endowment funds of the church, both unrestricted and those restricted by the donors, currently invested through the Unitarian Universalist Common Endowment Fund. They authorize disbursements from endowment funds to the church for authorized purposes and effect the transfers. The Trustees accept and deposit any new contributions to the endowment funds. They work closely with the Finance and Property committees. The three trustees are elected by the congregation for three-year terms, one new trustee each year over three years, providing continuity.

2025 - Bob Gordon, 2026 -Susan Stanbury, 2027 - Jim Van Valkenburgh.

Nominating Committee

This committee presents a slate of nominations to the Annual Meeting for all elected positions and fills occasional vacancies during the year. It ensures membership of committees fairly represents the diversity of age, gender, duration of association, and interests of the congregation.

Linda Field, Nancie Gordon, Rhonda Barkley (Governing Board Representative)


Standing Committees


The Worship Committee is responsible for providing non-ministerial-led Sunday worship. We create collaborative, creative lay-led worship, support congregants who wish to deliver sermons or entire services, and arrange for and support guest ministers and speakers. We also provide welcome and hospitality to ministers who come to PUUC via pulpit exchange with the minister as well as those seeking a neutral pulpit. When needed or requested, we support the minister in the preparation and delivery of regular, minister-led Sunday worship. The Worship Committee seeks and welcomes feedback and suggestions regarding all Sunday worship. 

Claudia Dery, Barbara Harlow, Todd Herrmann, Mike Lambert, Beverly Spiro (shared leadership)

Care Network

The Care Network at PUUC is made up of the Care Committee, the Pastoral Care Associates, and the Minister. The Network facilitates the congregation's support in times of illness, death, the celebration of significant milestones, and short-term emergencies by offering meals, visits, and phone calls. 

Care Committee: Sarah Dengler (Chair), Julie Flood Page, Cheryl Houston, Meredith Martin, Anne Fischer, Sheri Davis O'Brien

Lay Pastoral Care Associates: Tom Cowan, Barbara Harlow

Committee on Shared Ministry (CoSM)

The concept of shared ministry was added to the PUUC By-laws in 2020, and the current Committee on Shared Ministries, or “CoSM”, was formed by the Governing Board in January 2022. UU congregations with full-time clergy have also moved to this model as it helps to clarify how the congregation and the minister can work together successfully. CoSM is responsible for facilitating communication and enhancing connection among the various ministries (committees) of the congregation.

CoSM is guided by its Vision and Mission:

  • Vision: A spiritual community where all ministries collaborate to fulfill the mission of PUUC.
  • Mission: CoSM will interweave PUUC’s ministries by enhancing communication and offering guidance and support.

CoSM has hosted gatherings of committee chairs to encourage discussion of ways to collaborate and share goals and challenges. Each CoSM member communicates with several groups within the congregation to identify ways in which their work supports the overall ministry of PUUC. CoSM was also actively involved in the "Who Are We?" process during the Spring of 2024, which led to the "Who We Are!" report. 

CoSM has three current priority areas:

  1. Support a climate for shared ministry.
  2. Support the development of a new Covenant of Right Relations and process for handling conflicts.
  3. Support the Governing Board in identifying and implementing priorities from the Who We Are! report.

Membership consists of five to six lay people appointed by the Governing Board, each for a 3-year term. For 2024-2025 these are Dottie Bauer (term ends in 2025), Peter Johnson (2026), Jane Eckert (2026), Steve James (2027), and Mark Beal (2027). Rev. Lane serves in her role as our professional minister. CoSM meets monthly on the second Tuesday. We share leadership, so questions may come to any one of us.

Finance Committee/Treasurer

The Treasurer and Finance Committee oversees and manages congregational finances--revenues and expenditures throughout the church year, reporting monthly to the Governing Board.  They prepare an annual budget for Governing Board review and present it to the membership for discussion and approval. They oversee the Office Administrator in carrying out the banking and financial tracking. They coordinate with the Trustees concerning the Endowment.  

John Saywell, Chair and Treasurer, Peter Harrison, Asst. Treasurer, Mark Beal, Bob Gordon, Peter Harrison, Todd Herrmann, Dwight Schenk, Vanessa Amsbury-Bonilla, ex-officio


This committee fulfills the congregation’s membership growth goals, welcomes and assimilates new members, and arranges a periodic New Member Welcome Service. It maintains the name tag board, maintains parish lists and records in compliance with church by-laws, and reports to the Standing Committee.

Susan Stanbury (Chair), Julie Flood Page, Meg Gourley, Rick Miller, Marsha Morrow


The Property Committee proposes the annual maintenance schedule at beginning of the church year and coordinates the property budget. It oversees routine cleaning, snow removal, maintenance, and repairs, arranging occasional working parties for church projects. It reports to Standing Committee in June on maintenance performance for the year.

Phil Jones, Peter Harrison, Rick Miller, Ed Morrow, Dwight Schenk, Doug Copley, Stewart Harris, Mike Lambert, Gary Bonhiver, Paul Barnes, custodian

Religious Education

This committee prepares for and holds monthly RE meetings. It collaborates with the Director of Religious Education regarding the children’s religious education program and with special events for children and families. Its members act as liaisons to the Sunday School classes and assist with teacher recruitment. The committee advises, assists, and evaluates the DRE, and has a level of involvement in the hiring of the DRE. It oversees the RE budget and reports to Standing Committee.

This committee is currently on hiatus until further notice

Social Justice

The Social Justice committee coordinates social outreach programs, educates the congregation on matters of social concern, and implements social policy as determined by the congregation.

It establishes and oversees ad hoc working groups on particular issues, organizes occasional letter-writing and other campaigns, and coordinates responses to UUA resolutions. This committee sponsors the congregation’s 1% program.

Susan Copley, Jane Eckert, Anne Fischer, David Flemming, Joy Flemming, Julie Flood Page, Jonathan Gourlay, Anne Huberman, Joel Huberman, Tim Riley, John Richards, Dwight Schenk, Susan Stanbury, Mary Vallier-Kaplan, Elsa Voelcker, Chase Wilson-Roeper

Rotating Committee Chairs: 

Jan, Feb, Mar: Mary Vallier-Kaplan

April, May, June: 


This committee is charged with running the annual canvass ‘fund drive’ to support the church budget with pledges from members and friends. It promotes support of our church community with time, talent and treasure.

Sarah Dengler and Bryan Field


This committee plans and promotes regular events for fun and fundraising within the congregation and out in the community. Subcommittees are formed for the Rummage Sales, Holiday Stroll, and Annual Auction.

Amy Pfeil, co-chair, Rhonda Barkley, co-chair, Debbie Bruchez, Marsha Morrow, Jill Shaffer-Hammond 

Community Supper

Greg Scerbinski, Dwight Schenk

Grant Writing

This committee is active in securing funds for ongoing projects such as the Community Supper and greening efforts for our sanctuary, supporting property committee projects.

Anne Fischer, chair, Rick Miller, Marsha Morrow, John Richards


This committee reviews staff performance annually; oversees staff contracts and terms of employment; deals with staff grievances; recommends annual salary awards for staff; and reviews evolving staffing needs of the congregation. It is an ad hoc committee, made up of members from committees that have staff reporting to them, such as Music and RE. It reports annually, and as needed to Standing Committee.

Minister, Treasurer of the governing board

Tech Team

The Tech Team provides technical support for hybrid worship at PUUC. Each Sunday 2-3 members are stationed in the balcony, operating cameras, soundboard, computers and specialized software. Members have varying degrees of technical know-how and experience and provide training and support to each other for continuous improvement. 


The Tech Team’s mission is to provide an optimal audio-visual experience to those worshiping on Zoom and in the Sanctuary.  We are actively researching improved hardware and software to support both PUUC worship and the Monadnock Summer Lyceum’s programs. The Tech Team seeks to work cooperatively with other PUUC ministries, such as Worship, Property, and Accessibility.


Members include:  Eric Blackmer, Molly Mansfield, Mark Beal, Greg Scerbinski, Joel Huberman, Jill Shafer-Hammond, Bob Gordon, Dottie Bauer.   

Community Committee

Lyceum Committee

The Lyceum Committee stands a bit outside the main committee structure; it has the responsibility to research, plan, and engage 8-10 speakers for the Monadnock Summer Lyceum series, which happens Sunday mornings from late June through August each year. It functions autonomously, raises funds independently, and manages its own budget. Half of the committee members must be PUUC members, to ensure PUUC oversight. According to its bylaws, it is the only committee that recruits and holds committee members from outside our congregation with the intent to invest the Lyceum purpose with a broader community focus. This combination of church members and others from the broader community has worked very well, as reflected in the wealth of intellectual content that appeals to the large attendance on summer Sunday mornings.

Jeanne Henriques, Chair, Peterborough
Serena McGovern, Secretary, Peterborough, Member PUUC
Bob Gordon, Treasurer, Peterborough, Member PUUC

Gloria Anderson, Peterborough
Eric Blackmer, Peterborough, Member PUUC
Tom Cowan, Peterborough, Member PUUC
Rob Eichler, Peterborough, Member PUUC

Jim Fearnside, Peterborough, Member PUUC

Franz Feige, Peterborough, Member PUUC
Bill Frantz, Peterborough, Member PUUC
Bob Haring-Smith, Peterborough
Sat Jagat Khalsa, Peterborough
Dorothy Minior, Mason
Rev. Lane Fisher, Peterborough, Member PUUC, ex officio


MUUsic 4UU

Chair: Joy Flemming
Vice Chair: Eric Blackmer
Secretary: Bill Frantz
Treasurer: Mary Seaver
Members at Large:
Lucinda Ellert
David Flemming