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Music at PUUC

  • Choir
  • Choir
  • Choir
  • Grounded in Song
  • Kirtan
  • Kirtan
  • Music Soiree
  • Music Soiree

Music at UU Peterborough


UU Peterborough is in the heart of the Monadnock Region,  an area rich in musical talent. It is therefore not surprising that music is an integral part of life here, on Sundays and during the rest of the week. In addition to the Director of Music Ministries and the choir’s offerings, we have gifted congregants who join in the song, offering special music. Across the church year, you may hear a volunteer handbell choir, singer/songwriters and varied instrumentalists. Some weeks, you’ll delight a trio or duet in lieu of, or in addition to a full choir.  

Music is woven throughout the Sunday service, as we  celebrate the spirit of life, join in congregational singing, and  drink in musical offerings which provide spiritual renewal and inspiration, lifting up love, stewardship, and social justice as core principles.   

The Church also provides a venue for other community based musical groups. It serves as the rehearsal and  performance home of the Grand Monadnock Youth  Choirs, directed by Esther Rhoades, and founded by Maria  Belva. MUUsic4UU is an independent, volunteer run concert series, led  by a dedicated team of musicians and music-lovers, which highlights both local and regional talent.  

How Can You Be Involved? 


The Choir 

The choir, alive and expanding, sings at two services each  month and at special services as well. It has a varied  repertoire, carefully selected to fit both the service themes  and the vocal capabilities of the group. Our choir is always 

open to new singers; no previous choral experience is  necessary. Just a desire to arrive at 8:35 -9:45 AM Sunday morning to sing and stretch, have fun meeting other early morning  singers, while enjoying the process of personal discovery and  UU principles explored through song!  We rehearse weekly, and sing in church two Sundays per month. 


Winter Solstice Singing Ritual 

This annual service celebrates the longest night and the  return of the light in song and spoken word. Written by Julie Forest MIddleton and Stasa Morgan-Appel. Each year, a volunteer church and community-wide choir join hearts and voices to bring this ritual to life. 



Kirtan meets on the third Friday of each month led by  Anahata starting in November 2022. Kirtan is a musical part  of Kundalini Yoga involving the chanting of Hindu script. This  is an open activity and everyone is welcome. It opens our  church to people of multiple faiths and offers musical healing  for many who come. 

The Kirtan gatherings accept donations, which are then  contributed to the Church. 


Music Soiree 

The Music Soiree group has resumed meeting on the fourth  Friday in the Parish Hall. Mary Seaver, who created this  opportunity for the many musicians of our church to play  chamber music, socialize, and get to know each other, hosts  the Musical Soirée. It is free and open to all area musicians  who can read music, and is an opportunity to make music  and expand musical experience. 


Guest Musicians and Special Music

Guest Musicians fill in when our Director of Music Ministries is away from the bench, or are hired to augment our music program. 

Special Music offerings are volunteers who join us to share their gifts on select Sundays.  If you’d like to join us as a guest musician or to offer special music, reach out to the  marybeth.hallinan [at] (Director of Music Ministries)