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Social Justice at PUUC

Vision: We envision a sustainable and loving world in which all live equally with justice, dignity and compassion.

Mission: To foster a more just, equitable, and sustainable world through advocacy, education, support and service in collaboration with the wider community.

In 2021, the PUUC Social Justice Committee formed subcommittees for each of its three areas of focus

Monthly plate collections

During the COVID-19 pandemic, with area community suppers shut down, a PUUC task force recommended that the service fund portion of the endowment be used to match plate collections designated each month as “Special Collections.”  The membership agreed to a match of up to $500 a month. The Social Justice Committee recommends local and regional recipients each year, which are voted on by the congregation.

Special Collections for 2024/2025

October:                 Project Home

November:              Avenue A

December:              MATS/Shelter from the Storm

Christmas Eve:       River Center

January:                 Monadnock WindowDressers

February:                Mt Kearsarge Indian Museum

March:                    ACLU Foundation of NH

April:                       NH Food Bank

May:                       NH Alliance for End of Life Options

June:                      Equality Health Center

Note: Recipients may change as other needs arise.

Seeking New Members

The Social Justice Committee is currently seeking new members to join our small but active group to advocate and act on matters of social, environmental, and human import. Please see any of our members at services (listed below) or send an email to social-justice [at] (


Take Part

Members of the PUUC Social Justice Committee has participated in:

  • Weekly BLM Vigils, held every Saturday from 12 – 1 alongside roads in Peterborough.
  • Climate action through supporting “PEA” Peterborough Energy Action;, discussed and began research into reducing plastics …
  • Immigration and Refugee action through supporting Keene’s Project Home, the ACLU-NH, UU Action Network NH’s Bail and Bond Fund …
  • Food Security through supporting local food banks, area shelters, Community Meals to Go (a Town of Peterborough initiative), the Monadnock Hunger Walk …
  • Vote Forward letter writing to increase voter turnout in contested states.
  • Amnesty International letter writing to urge the release of political prisoners worldwide.
  • A member of the committee donated “We Believe” lawn signs which church members picked up and put outside their houses.
  • Monadnock WindowDressers, which serves all the towns in the Conval and Jaffrey/Rindge school districts.


Joy Flemming, Lane Fisher, Minister; Susan Copley, Jane Eckert, Anne Fischer, David Flemming, Julie Flood Page, Jonathan Gourlay, Anne Huberman, Joel Huberman, Tim Riley, John Richards, Dwight Schenk, Susan Stanbury, Mary Vallier-Kaplan, Elsa Voelcker, Chase Wilson Roeper