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Health and Healing at Maps

The social justice committee this month has chosen the theme of mental health awareness and specifically has designated the Hope and Healing fund at Maps counseling center to be the recipient of our monthly collection.

Some of you may be aware that May is mental health awareness month.

Why should we know this and more importantly, why should we care?

Many of you know, perhaps very quietly, that one in five adults in the United States today experience mental health issues on a yearly basis and that only half of them receive treatment. Furthermore, mental illness carries a significant stigma and services to support people who experience mental health issues are nowhere near as good or as robust as those that support people with physical health issues. There is a shortage of mental health professionals around the state and waiting lists for services may be long.

These specific funds are targeted to people in the eastern Monadnock region who are without insurance or are in between insurances and who are seeking mental health assistance.

For further information, they can be found on the web at and thank you as always for your generosity.

Donations to this fund will be matched by the church social justice endowment funds. Please specify on your check if you are donating to Hope and healing or to your regular pledge. 

Social Justice Collection